Om oss
Mindaugas Dauksas
Det hele startet med en enkel idé drevet av en dyp lidenskap. Som en liten bedrift er vi stolte av personlig oppmerksomhet og dedikasjon til hver detalj. Vår tilnærming er forankret i kvalitet og integritet, og sikrer at alt vi gjør gjenspeiler vår forpliktelse til fortreffelighet.
Det er her reisen vår begynner. Bli kjent med virksomheten vår og hva vi driver med. Vi er opptatt av kvalitet og god service. Bli med oss mens vi vokser og lykkes sammen. Vi er glade for at du er her og vil være en del av vår historie.
Vi er din destinasjon.
Med vennlig hilsen
Mindaugas Dauksas
It all started with a simple idea driven by a deep passion. As a small business, we pride ourselves on personal attention and dedication to every detail. Our approach is rooted in quality and integrity, ensuring that everything we do reflects our commitment to excellence.
This is where our journey begins. Get to know our business and what we do. We are committed to quality and good service. Join us as we grow and succeed together. We are happy that you are here and will be part of our history.
We are your destination.
Best regards
Mindaugas Dauksas
Rashid Wafa
Mountian adventure pakistan specializes in adventure tours in, the kingdom of mountains and the hub of mountaineering and trekking in the central Karakoram Range.
Mountian adventure pakistan , a licensed tour company running by a Rashid ali We only say what we can do the best. Keeping this theme first our area. To give foremost adventure travel services this native company operates groups in the Mountain ranges of Himalaya, Hindu Kush and Karakorum Pakistan which is nestled amongst soaring, snow-capped mountains, splashed
with fairy meadows,
serene lakes and gushing rivers. The Mountain Kingdom has blessed with some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the world. Mountaineering, Rock Climbing trekking, mountain biking, river rafting,
We have focused on strong
our unrivaled family feel, and
a long-term staff of outstanding organizing expedition from 5000 to over 8000m peaks in Himalaya, Hidukush and Karakoram range In Pakistan.